Webinar: GovCloud – The Digital Agenda

webinar2Our next webinar is now scheduled, for the 20th March at 11am EST

Register here

govt-open-data-260GovCloud and the Digital Agenda

The headline theme for this session is to identify and explore the enabling relationship between Cloud Computing and Digital Government programs.

This will include a headline review of the European Union initiative in this area.

The European Cloud Computing Strategy was recently announced to ‘Unleash The Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe‘.

It is intended to enable faster facilitation of Cloud Computing across all sectors of the European economy, through achieving three key action areas:

  • Cutting through the jungle of Cloud standards
  • Safe and fair contract terms
  • European Cloud Partnership for public sector

The EU has a large and comprehensive technology program, with Cloud being especially complimentary to their Digital Agenda, which is pioneering the application of innovative new technologies in fields like E-Health.

Topics will cover:

  • Cloud Service Brokerage – How service brokers will enable implementation of the required standardized contracting.
  • Cloud Identity Ecosystem – The EU eHealth strategy calls for a common approach for patient identifiers, EHR interoperability, adoption of common schemes for conformity testing and accreditation, provision of online services in telemedicine and ePrescriptions.
  • Internet of Things – Large scale funding programs are implemented through the FP7 framework, which is targeting future markets like the “Internet of Things“.

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